Nutritionally complete homemade dog food

nutritionally complete homemade dog food
Complete homemade dog food

There are many reasons why homemade dog food are better than commercial dog food products:

  • You have full control over every single ingredient with no surprises and no worries about the artificial ingredients, preservatives, grains and chemicals that your dog may be eating. Especially if your dog has some allergies, sensitives, or intolerance.
  • You can save some cash. When it comes to healthy dog food, the top brands are quite expensive, but you can simply use the same ingredients at home and it will costs you less money!

Below we’ll be sharing with you 2 nutritionally complete homemade dog food recipes, that are vet approved.

Before feeding your dog a homemade dog food recipe, be sure that you know exactly what’s his specific nutritional needs, but if your dog doesn’t need a special diet. Vet approved dog recipes fulfill the recommended daily nutritional guidelines for most dogs.

Here is what an adult dogs diet should contains:

  • High protein (about 20% of the meal)
  • Healthy fats (about 5% to 8%)
  • Manganese
  • Lysine
  • Phosphorous, Calcium (1 gram in a 100 calorie diet)
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Vitamins (A, D, B12 and E)
  • Niacin (about 4 mg in a 1000 calorie diet)

Now, let’s get started: Nutritionally complete homemade dog food recipes

#1 Homemade beef stew for dogs.

This homemade beef stew for dogs is something they will come running for. What is better is that it does not have those horrifying list of ingredients that many dog food providers put in their products when they shouldn’t even be using those ingredients.
This recipe is full of nutritional value for your dog. Sweet potatoes, carrots and peas are a great source of beta-carotene, minerals, and fiber. It’s a great recipe to manage your dog’s weight. The beef provides the protein needs for you dog. It only takes up 35 minutes or less to make.


1 pound of ground beef
1 large sized sweet Potato
1 medium sized carrot (Diced)
1/2 cup of peas


First, begin by sauteing the beef in a large pot until no longer pink on the outside. Do not remove the fat from the meat as it is the right kind of fat for your dog, if the meat is lean and doesn’t contain fats, you can add about 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil, so your dog gets some healthy fats. Then, add sweet potatoes and carrots to the meat.

Add some water just enough to cover the vegetables in the stew and make it simmer till the veggies are cooked, for around 20 minutes. Then, add the peas and let it cook for another 5 minutes. If you want, you can also add a small amount of sea salt, to improve the aroma.

And that’s it, you can serve it to your dog now, but before, allow the preparation to cool. You can serve your dog with whatever amounts you want. Also you can store in the freezer the extra portions.

Some dog owners opinions:

  • Easy to make, and it’s only costs a few dollars.
  • Favorite meal for my Rottweiler.
  • My 2 years old Golden Retriever LOVES it.
  • I have a doberman and he always wants some more..

#2 Fish and sweet potato dog food

There are many ways in which you can serve fish meals to your dog, here’s a tasty and healthy fish recipe, consist of fish meat, veggies and eggs.
This recipe is full of nutritional value for your dog. Sweet potatoes and peas are a great source of beta-carotene, minerals, and fiber. Eggs are one of the most complete sources of amino acids (the building blocks of protein), vitamin A, vitamin B12, Iron and more. The fish is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.


2 large sized potatoes or sweet potatoes (Peeled and Chopped)
100g of Peas (Frozen)
1 large can of Tuna (15 ounces)
2 cans of Albacore Tuna
2 large eggs (Boiled and Chopped)
Few leaves of parsley (Chopped and Divided)


First, start by boiling the potatoes until they become soft. Mash the potatoes in a bowl, after they’re cooled. Add to the mashed potatoes about a quarter of parsley. You may notice that the potatoes are a little dry, but you don’t have to add anything to moist them.

Now you’ll need to cook the peas, just cook them according to the instructions on the package.

In a separate large bowl, put in the Albacore tuna, tuna, rest of the parsley, boiled eggs, and peas, and mix them all.

Now, you have 2 options. Either you mix in the mashed potatoes with the fish mixture and serve them directly to your dog. Or, you can make the fish into small patties using a cookie cutter (into any shape you like), and top it with the mashed potatoes.

Some dog owners opinions:

  • I have a German Shepherd and a Labrador, they love this homemade recipe!
  • Finally I found what i was looking for!
  • A perfect recipe for my small French Bulldog.
  • One of the best dog recipes, my Beagle loves it!

See next: Can dogs eat pastry?

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