Cheap homemade dog food recipe

cheap homemade dog food
Cheap homemade food for dogs

Cheap homemade dog food

Are you tired of wondering what commercial dog food products are good for your dog? Are you worried about the artificial ingredients, preservatives, grains and chemicals that your dog may be eating? Are you looking for cheap, yet nutritionally complete homemade dog food recipes that will keep your dog healthy and happy? You want to save some money? In any case, this article is the one for you! Below we’ll be sharing with you a cheap homemade dog food recipe, that is healthy and vet approved.

Homemade dog food is one of the most healthy options, and it can be done on a budget! You can make very cheap homemade dog food recipes like the one we’re going to share with you, only costs a few cents or maybe a little more than a dollar per pound. So that is very comparable to some of the cheapest commercial dog food products on the market, and of course you know, the more elaborate you’ve got into the recipes, the more ingredients you add, the higher quality ingredients you really want to try and buy, the highest quality ingredients that you can afford.

Look for ingredients that are natural and organic. You want to make sure that you use really top quality ingredients. So for example when you’re looking for protein sources, look for grass fed free range chicken, beef.. things like that, and of course those are going to be a little bit higher price, but you do it properly.

[icon name=”paw” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Let’s start: Cheap homemade dog food recipe.


  • 4 pounds of ground turkey (you can use a different kind of protein source if your dog has a problem with digesting turkey)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 15 ounces of tomato sauce
  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 1.5 cups of dry brown rice
  • 4 cups of fresh spinach


First, you’ll need to cook the rice, just cook it according to the instructions on the package.

Now While the rice is cooking, prepare the other ingredients.

Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a medium sized saucepan, then add in four pounds of ground turkey (ground chicken or ground turkey these are very inexpensive protein sources you could use, ground beef it’s inexpensive as well). And let it brown on medium heat. It will take 15-20 minutes to brown this much turkey.

While waiting, put the sweet potato in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Once it’s cooked, flip it over and cook it for another 2-3 minutes. Once it’s cooled, cut the sweet potato into chunks that are bite-size for your dog, if you have a large breed, such as Labradors, German Shepherds and Rottweilers, you can cut them into big chunks. But if you have a really small breed, teacup breed such as Chihuahuas, Yorkies, French Bulldogs, Maltese or Beagles.. you may want to cut those chunks quite a bit smaller.

Once the turkey is completely cooked, add the cooked rice, the pieces of sweet potato, tomato sauce and the spinach to the pot. Cover the pot and let it sit for about 2-3 minutes to wilt the spinach.

And voila! You can serve it to your dog now. The serving size for this recipe is about 2.5 oz of food per serving for every 20 to 25 pounds dog. You can feed it twice per day.

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